all postcodes in CF61 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF61 2AT 72 0 51.407841 -3.457127
CF61 2GA 29 0 51.41256 -3.473799
CF61 2GB 13 0 51.411731 -3.47255
CF61 2GD 16 0 51.411402 -3.472985
CF61 2GE 35 0 51.411237 -3.471758
CF61 2GF 11 0 51.413095 -3.472738
CF61 2GG 12 0 51.411939 -3.471694
CF61 2GH 21 0 51.411524 -3.469682
CF61 2GJ 15 0 51.411343 -3.469058
CF61 2GL 19 0 51.410706 -3.468908
CF61 2GN 6 0 51.409817 -3.468808
CF61 2GP 58 0 51.409455 -3.466898
CF61 2GQ 16 0 51.410616 -3.466792
CF61 2GR 8 0 51.410166 -3.466073
CF61 2GS 32 0 51.409209 -3.464964
CF61 2GT 42 0 51.410478 -3.467779
CF61 2GU 46 0 51.412415 -3.470329
CF61 2LH 39 0 51.410835 -3.473729
CF61 2LJ 27 0 51.410457 -3.474422
CF61 2LL 12 0 51.410569 -3.473404